
Modern mycosis therapy

  • Good tolerability
  • From head to foot
  • For young and old

Mykoderm Healing Ointment has proven efficacy in the treatment of yeast infections of the skin, for instance, infections in skin folds or nappy rash. The active ingredient nystatin infiltrates the cell membrane of yeast fungi (e.g. candida albicans) and inhibits their growth and proliferation.

Mykoderm Miconazole Cream is an antifungal, therapeutic medicine for the treatment of a large number of pathogenic fungi and several strains of bacteria. Fungal infections of the skin and skin folds such as nappy rash and athlete's foot respond particularly well to therapy with the cream.

Mykoderm Oral Gel is used for the treatment of yeast infections of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity such as oral thrush. The gel is easy to dose and particularly easy to apply.

Fungal skin infections are annoying and unpleasant – and often affect us at a very early age. Babies and small children frequently suffer from oral thrush or nappy rash, while adults are more likely to be plagued by athlete’s foot or eczemas on the back, chest or scalp. The symptoms of a fungal infection are just as diverse as the pathogens: they range from itchy rashes and inflammation to whitish, scaly patches, small pustules and painful fissures.

By the way: nappy rash can also affect older people and patients in care.

Mykoderm Heilsalbe Wirkstoffe: Nystatin, Zinkoxid Anwendungsgebiete: Bei Hefepilzinfektionen der Haut, die sich z.B. in den Körperfalten wie der Leistenregion als Windeldermatitis manifestieren können.

Mykoderm Miconazolcreme Wirkstoff: Miconazolnitrat Anwendungsgebiete: Interdigitalmykosen (Pilzinfektionen zwischen den Fingern und den Zehen), Mykosen (Pilzerkrankungen) der Haut und Hautfalten, oberflächliche Kandidosen (durch Candida-Arten hervorgerufene Pilzerkrankungen der Haut). Warnhinweis: Enthält Benzoesäure. 

Mykoderm Mund-Gel zur Anwendung in der Mundhöhle Wirkstoff: Miconazol Anwendungsgebiete: Zur Behandlung
von Hefepilzinfektionen der Mundschleimhaut (Mundsoor). 

Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. Stand der Information: 10/2023. Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG, 61138 Niederdorfelden.
