Maintaining and safeguarding human health is not only what we are good at, it is also the vision we pursue day after day with a burning passion. At the same time. we also wish to provide the best possible support to those who invest so much of their energy in other things, whether it be sustainability or humanitarian missions. Because, only when we work together, can we get things moving.
The precondition for all this, is that we, as a company, think in generations, not in quarters of the fiscal year. Every day, everything we do fully reflects this principle. It is, therefore, simply a matter of course that we are investing in renewable energies for our new building projects. Nevertheless, we are also fully aware that, as much weight as the word ‘sustainable’ carries, the many smaller things we have to consider in the daily handling of our resources are equally important. Here too, we have made landmark decisions, for instance, the use of collected rainwater for our sanitary facilities.
For us, to think in the long-term and embrace responsibility also means identifying with our location and giving something back to the community. This explains why we are supporting various community projects – from Kindergartens to local organisations – as appropriately as possible in each individual case. As we feel deeply rooted in the region, promoting its well-being is very close to our hearts.

But responsibility doesn’t stop on our own doorstep. With this in mind, we back selected organisations and projects in Germany and abroad that depend on our support. In addition to the German Children’s Fund (Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk), we therefore also give our support to Plan, an international aid organisation that stands up for children, the recognition of their rights and sustainable improvement of their lives. Our employees provide valuable support to this extraordinary mission by sponsoring individual children in need.